Thar’ She Blows

It be Talk Like A Pirate Day, me maties.

This be arrrrguably, th’ most important date on me calendarrrr. ‘Side me weddin’ t’ me lovely lass, o’course. An’ th’ birth o me darlin’ baby girlie. An’ p’raps th’ time aye found me a shiny new silver pence just lyin’ thar in th’ middle of th’ street jus’ when me ole stomach were grumblin’ fer a bit o Miss O’Shaney’s tasty arrrrrtichoke salad. But never ye mind all that bilge, jus’ ‘member th’ bit that be important. This here be Talk Like A Pirate Day, so when yer at yer office or in yer class or out with yer friends, throw three sheets to th’ wind and talk like a pirate! Yer maties will laugh and join in th’ fun, fer that’s what maties do. And those which don’t give a hearty what for when ye squint one eye, strike a sword-fightin’ pose and go “Arrrr!” in th’ middle o’ th’ comp’ny meeting?

Keelhaul them and plunder their cubicals! ARRRRR!

New Toy

I got me a new toy.

I’ve been playing with my new Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 for a few hours now and I’ve got to say, it’s pretty darn cool. I’m amazed at how well it works in low-level lighting situations and the built-in microphone is nearly as good as having a handheld microphone. I originally got a pair of them for the sole purpose of making video calls home to see HoBiscuit and the Mighty Baby whenever I was away for work, but now I’m thinking I might do a few video webcast-type posts. What do the kids call it these days? Podcasting? Vlogging? Idiots with webcams and nothing better to do? Well, whatever it’s called look out interwebbing.

GeekManCam is coming!

QOTD #3065

My fellow Americans.

How can anyone, no matter what their personal beliefs may be, vote for or against someone based solely on ad campaigns of rhetoric and propaganda without researching for themselves what that person really believes? Please people, I beg of you. Gather information, sift through the talking points, ignore the pundits and find the person worthy of your vote. Most of all, remember that voting with the herd can lead everyone over the cliff.


The Sweet Sounds Of Silence

I hate telemarketers.

I especially hate when a telemarketer manages to somehow take me by surprise and elicit a response from me that allows them to launch into their sales pitch before I can diffuse the situation by blowing my ever-present air-horn into the phone and then hang up as the blood shoots out of their now burst eardrums.

Sometimes, I even laugh evilly as I hang up.

However, this morning I received a call from a telemarketer that caught me by surprise and before I realized what was happening, this person had launched into their well-rehearsed spiel. Luckily, I am almost always prepared for just such an emergency, but this time I decided to use a different tactic. This time, instead of playing their game, I decided to make up some new rules and completely confuse the living daylights out of them.

I pretended to speak in tongues.

Oh, I started simply enough, responding to his questions with seemingly innocent answers, but by the time he was asking if I was interested in hearing more about the available plan choices I was replacing every fourth word with a random word I spied in one of the magazines on my desk. So, instead of saying, “I’d love to hear some more about this but I’m a little busy right now.” I actually said, “I’d love to museum some more about jelly but I’m a little kettle right now.”

Of course, the guy just plowed on so I got more inventive.

My response to, “Are you interested in hearing some more about our platinum level membership rewards?” was a rather confusing, “Some dust bunnies ignore the traffic lights when speeding.” This caused him to stutter for a moment before he tried to continue with, “Ma’am,” (I really HATE that people think I sound like a woman on the phone!) “Becoming a platinum level member costs just $59 a year, would you like to sign up now?” So I hit him with, “Rain makes my animal cracker shoes soggy.” About then, he realized he wouldn’t get anywhere with me, but I give him credit for trying one last time with, “If you’ll just give me your credit card number I can sign you up right now.” To which I replied, “Avast! Tall timber falls for which witches falsetto timbre?”

Silence, followed by the disconnection click of victory.