The Market is Rumors Isn’t What it Used to Be

The GeekMan may make himself known this coming week, so this could be my last chance to hijack his weblog.

First and foremost:

Five-Year Old Goddaughter: Hi Auntie Jill, will you come over today? I’m not really sick.

JadedJu: Not really sick? What does that mean?

Goddaughter: Weeeeeeell, I threw up before, but I’m really okay now! You can come over!

JadedJu: So you’re all better?

Goddaugher: Yes! I’m all better! I’m only…ummmmm…[long pause] 1/8th sick now!

JadedJu: Excellent, because my absolute limit on exposure is 1/4th. I’ll be right over.

Second of all:

There is no second of all. It rained this morning, the first such weather in many months. On a freeway on-ramp, driving slowly in accordance with the conditions, I momentarily lost control of the car, fishtailing right and then left. I’m pleased to report that I had both hands on the steering wheel at the moment of occurence, and was therefore able to regain control without incident. This is only worth reporting because it is so rare for me to have both hands anywhere near the wheel. Just moments earlier I had been holding the newspaper in one hand, reading headlines while driving. Before scanning the paper I had placed a few calls on my cell phone. You might not be surprised to hear that I’m often drinking some iced decaf coffee or diet gingerale while I’m reading, gabbing with friends, and just incidently, driving.* The events this morning chastened me, however. I kept both hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road, and I’m happy to report that the rest of the trip was completed without incident.
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First of All, Where’s the GeeK?

Dear GeekMan:

Blah blah blah, you’ve got a new place to live. Whatever. Like that makes a speck of difference to me, here in California. The fact is, the internetisphere has slowed nearly to a standstill during your rude abandonment of your site and your readers.

We’ve tried to a. be patient, and b. make meager attempts to keep your site updated in your absence (and I do emphasize the meagerness of our efforts–but hey, I’m not updating my own site at all, so that makes it seem that I’m posting nonstop with yours.) But the truth is, not a single one of your readers (and we seem to be certain that there are at least seven of them) cares one whit about your guest posters. They come here everyday with the desperate hope that you and your past(r)y minions will have returned.

Anywaste, as you would say if you were here (but you’re not, and why is that exactly?), I’ve got a few other things to talk about while I’m logged in. Like the woman I had a work meeting with today who said that she “dibbled” in writing, when what she meant was that she “dabbled”. I proceeded to buy her book (because I’m a sucker like that,) and I can tell you now that she was correct in calling it dibbling. Indeed, it’s dibbling down my chin right now.

Then there was the guy I met with this week who thinks I’m going to kiss his feet and hand him an empire, in order than he be able to build on the empire he already stole. I’m going to pretend to hand him my empire while I simultaneously go about undermining his. I can’t wait to witness his surprise, though my dastardly plan will take some time to execute. There’s never a rush when you wish someone ill, however. Like Tony Soprano, I believe that revenge is like serving coldcuts.

In closing, I would like to say that if I call your house and ask to speak with your five year old daughter, I am not interested in a return phone call from you. I have no interest in you, unless you can prove that yesterday was your first day of kindergarten, and not your daughter’s.

The Real Reason We’re Here

When I was asked to help babysit this slice of heaven in the blogonetisphere, I was told that I should include stories that would enlighten and inspire its readers. You know… stuff like boogers, butts and buggery?

Sadly, I have no such tales of philosophical import or moral significance. My life is an endless parade of hurricane preparations. Thus, the only thing I can come up with is a poem by my daughter. She was 12 at the time it was written, so I apologize if it is a bit too mature for this place.
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Praise the Radio

Colorado Springs is a city of about half a million people. This week I found the one guy (well, I’m hoping he was the only one) who wanted to sell us his religion.

My three travel mates and I were running late, due to the delayed arrival of our transportation. Relieved when a cab pulled up, we quickly piled in, three in back and me and my fat rear end and long legs in front. As we rolled away from the hotel, our driver autolocked the doors, and our visit to Satan’s den began.
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Sorry we broke your blog, mister!

Either Geekman really does only have four readers and he asked all of us to guest post, or we’ve completely scared off The Mighty Geek’s regular readership. Either way, unless people start commenting, he’s gonna be one sad puppy when he comes back.

Wait. Maybe this is a nefarious plot to show us how much we suck and he rules… That’s it! Curse you, Geekman. I hope you get eaten by dust bunnies!!

Zen Koan

If you are a sub for the real author of a blog, and you need to go away on a business trip, are you then obligated to find a sub to sub for you? And if the answer is yes, should the sub be someone that the real author of the blog would approve of, or are you now free to request help from someone who knows you but has no familiarity with said blog author? Such a dilemma. However, it’s one I won’t be able to answer until I return this Friday from the above referenced business trip.

In the meantime, think of GeekMan, butt deep in the dust bunnies that were exposed when he went to move his bed to the new house.

I Need Help Because They Do

What is it about me that attracts people without a firm grasp on reality? I’m not aware of doing anything to solicit this, yet I am never without a “special friend”.

A couple of jobs ago, while working for an organization serving the lesbian and gay community, I had an elderly woman, a Chinese immigrant, who came by the office once or twice a week seeking my assistance. She spoke few words of English, and her dialect of Chinese was spoken by no one in my office nor by any of the Chinese community organizations that I tried to pull in. We communicated by a combination of sign language (hers) and badly misspelled handwritten notes (mine). There were a few phrases she had that I could always identify, “Bad man, bad man!” being one, and “Call policee Miss Jill, call policee” being another. She had two essential complaints, one about the merchant running the store next to hers (he was the “bad man”), and the other about the large urban high school half a block from her (she wanted me to call the police about the kids who, when they left campus, often came into her laundromat and tormented her blind husband). I spoke to the police on her behalf many dozens of times, and even called the school principal more than once. But I knew we had both crossed the line when she offered me $2,000 to close the school. While it was flattering to realize that she thought such a thing was within my power, I had a tough time picturing me, Ms. Lesbian/Gay Community, calling for the closing of the campus. (Plus, if I could pull off such a thing, wouldn’t it be worth a whole lot more than two thousand bucks?)

This week I was out of town leading trainings for staff and teachers of a school district. At the end of a session a meek gray woman, barely 5 feet tall, approached me and asked for my phone number. I imagined that she was hoping that I might come and make a presentation to her classroom. As I wrote my digits on a slip of paper, she asked me how much I charged for an hour of consultation. I told her that would really depend on what she needed.

Her emotional floodgates opened, she launched into a story about her son, who she alleged was sexually molested by his father. She said that her son’s lawyer was now accusing her of being a religious fanatic and she needed advice on what to do. This wasn’t a normal sized flood, her problems were Noah and his Ark in size.

Let’s review: I have no expertise in the area of sexual molestation. I possess no legal background. I am scared of religious fanatics of all stripes and colors. I just facilitated a training in ABSOLUTELY NO WAY related to her question. Why are we having this conversation, and why can’t I tell her to never call my phone number? I pointed at my fellow trainer, who had entered the room while we spoke. I said, “That’s probably the woman you want to speak with, she’s really the one in charge.”

I left the training in search of a special friend who has a problem I can actually help with. What d’ya got?

Lettuce Blog

Get it? Lettuce….let us….ah, nevermind.

It’s a dark and stormy day over in my little corner of Long Island. A perfect day for a story. A salad story. Yes, I am going to blog about a salad.

I don’t venture to Burger King too often. No, I’m not a fast food snob, I just prefer the myriad of other drive-throughs along Hempstead Turnpike to Burger King’s rubbery meat and cardboard fries. However, last night BK was participating in a fundraiser for my son’s school, so off we went. I would suffer so that the fifth grade can have their class picnic.

Have you noticed the proliferation of salads among fast food places these days? It’s like they all got together in a show of unity to figure out ways to combat the Atkins diet. Lettuce! Tomatoes! One for all and all for one! And then the CEOs went their separate ways and ordered their product and development teams to come up with a better salad than their competitors.

So McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and whatever other franchises are floating around out there all came out with tasty, fresh and exciting salads at the same time. Not Your Mother’s Salad! Taste the mandarin oranges, the cranberries and sesame seeds and apples! It’s a fruit! It’s a salad! It’s a dessert topping!

fggarden.jpgAnyhow. I went for the salad at BK last night even though, in my heightened state of starvation, those Angus burgers looked tasty (turns out, according to my husband, that they – surprise! – taste like rubber).

I had a bad feeling about ordering the salad, but that had more to do with the cashier’s reluctance to speak or understand English than with the food itself. Once we got it clear that I wanted the Fire Grilled Salad (r) and I wasn’t trying to tell her that her hat was on fire, and once I got past the fact that the odor wafting from her armpits was what one would imagine Michael Moore might smell like if he had just chased the ice cream man for ten blocks on the hottest day of the year, we proceeded.

You get a choice with the Fire Grilled Salad (r); chicken or shrimp. I have this thing against ordering anything that comes from the sea in a fast food place, but I was feeling daring so I stared the cashier right in the eyes, slapped my palm on the counter and whispered in a low, John Wayne-as-gunslinger voice, Shrimp. I’ll try the shrimp.

We get our food and move over to the nearest table that could accommodate all of us, which turned out to be the table right under the air conditioner vent. This has nothing to do with the salad, but everything to do with creating the proper dining atmosphere. Granted, you’re not going to get a quality dining experience when there are kids in the partly padded cell to the left of you throwing brightly colored balls at the plastic window in an effort to interrupt your conversation and ruin your dinner all at once. But let me tell you, it takes only one time for an adult to press their face against the window and mouth the words “I will eat you and your little sister for dinner if you don’t stop throwing those balls right now” for a kid to really get it. The balls stopped coming at us and we made the attempt to get comfortable in the frigid air, though I had to keep putting my arms across my chest because apparently the town workers that were standing on line thought they could determine the temperature in the room by staring at my boobs.

So, the salad.

We didn’t get off to a good start. I could see as soon as I opened the plastic bowl that there was mostly Iceberg lettuce packed in there. Caesar = romaine. Caesar does not equal Iceberg. The sooner all restaurants figure this out, the better off we will all be. Upon further examination of the bowl, I saw that there was more than a handful of Romaine, and the Iceberg was mostly of the chunky variety (I hate wilty lettuce leaves), so I decided to suffer in silence.

Mixed in with the lettuce were a few cherry tomatoes, a fistful of shredded carrot and a couple of cucumber slices. I examined each vegetable carefully, noting the texture and quality of each. The tomatoes were the right consistency of hard, the carrots were the correct shade of orange and the cucumbers did not have the feel of hardened jello. Good start! However, the topping that pushed the salad over the “I’m going to dread this” line to “this just might be good” line was the Parmesan cheese. I expected a few sprinkles of some no-frills Parmesan that smelled like a cow’s butt, but was instead pleasantly surprised with actual chunky shavings of real, doesn’t-smell-like-cow’s-ass cheese. The lettuce/topping portion of the salad judging over, I thought we just might be onto something more than mediocre here.

Next up was the shrimp. At Burger King, they don’t just toss a bunch of shrimp onto your salad. No, it comes separately. You know those bags you get from a Chinese restaurant when you order beef sticks (what? you never ordered beef sticks before?), the kind with the foil on the inside? Yes, a bag-o-shrimp. Said shrimp were swimming in some kind of murky brown mixture that upon first glance looked like sludge, but ended up having a much lighter appearance than first thought once the shrimp were removed from their keep-it-warm container. Now came the important part: the smell test.

I don’t like my shrimp to smell too…shrimpy. Or fishy. There is no bigger food turnoff than trying to eat something that smells like Christina Agueleria’s crotch. Not that I’ve smelled it. I just heard. From Fred Durst.

I decided to use my assistant for this one. I picked one of the shrimp up with my forefingers and held it to my daughter’s nose. She recoiled immediately. Ewww, I’m a vegetarian, get that shrimp out of here. Gross. Ewww! Gawd, mom, you’re so rude! Relax, I told her. I don’t want you to eat the thing, I just want you to smell it. Does it smell….dead? She put her nose right next to the little creature, took a whiff, pronounced it ok smelling and then I gave her a little slap on the back of her head so that her head sprang forward and the shrimp ended up in her nose. No, not really. But I thought about it.

With the shrimp pronounced good-smelling by a certified vegetarian, we could move forward. I shook the rest of the shrimp out of the bag and they poured out like a rain shower of baby crustaceans right into my salad bowl. My sister broke out into a chorus of “It’s Raining Shrimp” and my daughter crawled under the table.

I have to say, I was surprised at the amount of shrimp that came out of that bag. I expected seven or eight at the most, including the one up Natalie’s nose, but were twenty-two, that’s right 22 shrimp swimming in that pouch. I still don’t know what the glaze/sauce was that they were covered in, but that doesn’t matter because it tasted good.

Now, for the last moment of preparation. The dressing. Sweet Onion Vinaigrette, as it were. Ok, so points off for no actual Caesar dressing, but in a way I didn’t mind because you just can’t get a good Caesar dressing anywhere but a true Long Island Greek diner. As it turns out, they did have a Caesar dressing but, for some unknown reason, Miss I Smell Like Michael Moore decided I would prefer onions.

I opened the dressing packet with my teeth, because there really is no other way to open it properly and squeezed every last drop over the salad, wondering how this onion goop was going to taste when mixed with the brown, murky goop that the shrimp came in.

Croutons. You cannot have a Caesar salad without croutons! I searched the mess of BK food and foodstuffs on our table but alas, there were no croutons. I sent my daughter to the counter to ask Michael Moore for croutons. She reported back that they did not have any. I was incredulous. Many style points taken off. Many.

All the ingredients secured in one place, I put the cover back on the salad, made sure it was properly secured, grabbed the bowl in a frisbee grip and tossed it to my sister across the table. She threw it back. Don’t ever think those high school days spent playing Frisbee instead of studying Trig won’t come in handy, because they will. As I just showed you.

My salad was now tossed. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you make your juvenile sexual innuendos. Done? Good, because they were lame. Surely you can do better than that.

I took one last glance at my wallet to make sure my insurance card was there. Then, in a style reminiscent of Babe Ruth, I slowly raised my arm and pointed to the hospital across the street. I uncovered the salad, grabbed a plastic fork, and dug in.

It was a caesar salad and it was good. Very good. At times, while I was shoveling forkfulls of shrimp, tomato and lettuce in my mouth, I would feel somewhat cheapened that I was enjoying a fast food salad so much, but then I would stab a cucumber, wipe it in the dressing that spilled onto the table, stuff it in my mouth and proclaim I love Burger King salad and I don’t care who knows it!

In fact, I loved it so much that I decided to take one home for my husband, just in case he didn’t approve of his New! Fresh! Angus Burger! Which he didn’t. And damn if when I got home and watched with envious eyes as Justin unpacked his salad that there was not one, but two packages of croutons in the bag. Only, they weren’t called croutons, but Parmesan toast. Personally, I would have called them ParmesanToast Chips, but that’s just me. So I stole a bag from my husband’s stash and ate them just on principle.

Overall my BK salad experience was a pleasurable one, if you are judging on taste alone. On the service end, they fail miserably. I mean, I’m not expecting white glove service, but I do expect that the people taking my order will be able to converse with me and won’t smell like dead people.

The atmosphere gets an ok rating. Though my children have long passed the age of jumping into ball pits, and even though I find children who like to bang on windows in an effort to disturb me to be annoying little pissants, the presence of those play areas help me learn to appreciate that I no longer have to chase my kids through human-sized hamster tunnels when it’s time to go home. I could have done without the sub zero temps, though.

Final say? Let Burger King toss your salad.

Keep behind me. There’s no sense in getting killed by a plant.

Here at Nerd Central there are a few things that we do very well. Then there are those that we avoid like the plague. (We don’t really avoid the plague. It’s just that it never has nice things to say when it visits, so we don’t call it over for dinner like we used to.)

Anyway, one of those things is yard work. Yes, it’s true. I suck at yard work. I suck so bad that the kids in the neighborhood are calling me Sucky McYardsuck. I just don’t appreciate the finer points of ripping plant life out of its nice warm bed just so another one can take its spot. The lawn mower is too loud and gives me a headache. The pool stays green no matter how many thousands of dollars of toxic chemicals I put into it. And did I mention that there are vicious animals like ants and mosquitoes and frogs out there? *shudder*

Well, thanks to the mess our good friend Charley made, we have no choice. God smote our fence so the neighbors could see our crappy yard. God’s like my mother sitting up there going, “You can’t let your neighbors see this mess! What’s next? A ’64 Chevy up on blocks? I’ve let you get away with this for too long. Get out there and clean things up this instant, young man, or I’ll turn off your cable modem for good!”

So, this was week two of Project Love Canal, and I am happy to report that things are shaping up nicely. We’ll soon be able to go into the back yard with the kind of confidence reserved for those who don’t have giant, mutant vine monsters, ready to wrap their spiney tentacles around their throats, constantly lurking just outside their door and waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting victim who just wanted to see why the busty cheerleader chick and the football captain hadn’t come back inside after we told them we should all stick together when we found out the fricking phone lines were cut!

It’s not so bad, really. Since I had the good fortune to marry into brains, my spouse suggested that we do it in small chunks, just an hour or two every Saturday morning. In no time at all, we shall have a yard that makes all the girls come over with milkshakes. Or something like that.

If I Start Small, I Can’t Disappoint. It Can Only Improve.

I believe that GMan asked me to be one of his guest writers so that I could deliver some gay content to his readers. Naturally this content will be rated “G”, but I’m here to please. Here’s some gay content:

I’m very happy. Happy, happy, happy. Life is happy and gay. Gay, gay, gay. Happy, happy, happy. Gay, gay, gay.

Okay, back to the non-gay content. You know, when GeekMan passed along his blog keys to me I was under the impression he was letting me have HoBiscuit as well. Imagine my disappointment when I learned that Geeky was planning to give me a dry old Bisquick Biscuit, not HoBiscuit.

Actually, maybe he invited me to guestpost here in order to deliver some Jewish content to his readers. Oy, oy, oy. Gay, Gay, Gay. Goya, Goya, Goya. Happy, happy, happy.