What It’s Like

Dear Readership,

In an effort to show the world what it would be like without The Mighty Geek and the sophomoric humor published here on an almost daily basis, I am going to substitute all things humorous in this post with the words ‘Pop-A-Wheelie’. I’m doing this because all of the services I provide, for free, to the world at large mean nothing if I’m not being shown any appreciation for Popping-A-Wheelie. And doing that is far more dangerous than Popping-A-Wheelie

But not quite so bad as Popping-A-Wheelie

So I’m shutting down the humor now, to give me time to Pop-A-Wheelie, and to give all of you a taste of what it would be like if I wasn’t here every day to show you how to properly Pop-A-Wheelie. You can’t imagine what it’s like to have so many people laughing at you without ever letting you know that they think you’re funnier than Popping- Wheelies.

It’s inhuman, especially considering I don’t get paid to Pop-Wheelies.

Give it a thought. This is what it would be like without the humor of The Mighty Geek. The lack of support for my continued self abuse, even by those who consider themselves my friends, has got me thinking that maybe some people will believe that this is a ‘real’ post and not a joke and then they will send me email begging me to ‘return’ or else the terrorists have Popped-A-Wheelie.

And that would be stupid.

So, what’s it worth to you for me to keep this going? Not in monetary terms, but in terms of showing me support? Simply put, I’m not willing to go on without more Popped-Wheelies.

Best wishes,

P.S. Pop-Wheelies!

P.P.S. Pop-A-Wheelie.

In no particular order, the words replaced by Pop-A-Wheelie are:

  • Wearing a meat suit and diving headfirst into a colony of driver ants.
  • Get my butt kicked by Bread in The Matrix on Miss Ex-Boxx.
  • Shaving my nostrils with a rusty straight razor and snorting salt.
  • Eat raw crack. You know, just because.
  • Now I’m more pathetic than Wil Wheaton, aren’t I?
  • Watching a cage full of starving lions try to catch and eat acrophobic monkeys covered in Tabasco sauce.
  • Pictures of nekkid boobies. Dear lord, let me receive pictures of nekkid boobies.
  • Grandma before she’s taken her medication but after she’s had a fifth of vodka.
  • Raped the llamas and ridden off on the women in victory.
  • If I get boobies, you get links!
  • Remove your own spine and replace it with HoBiscuit branded Silly Putty.