
And now, simply because I thought it would be fun, I present a Web Log parody of U2’s song Elevation. Before anyone tells me, yes I know that there’s no such word as ‘inspirate’, but it went so well that I just couldn’t pass it up. If it makes you feel any better you can substitute ‘inspirit’ in its place, ok? Do you feel better now, you grammar nazi?



You, your site is like the sun

I’ll show you linky-love

I need mine to emulate yours now

Your site design it kicks

All the words, colors and pics

Just fits, you inspirate me so

I’m laying bare my soul

I’ll post this bad boy, go

Now write it down, inspiration

Why oh why, do I try

You make me feel like I could write

So right, emulation

Your Blog, or some would say Web Log

So good it’s like a god

Maybe I should emulate your mind

I’m using all your code

I can’t steal but I can clone

The goal is emulation

Uh-oh! Laying bare my soul

Post that bad boy, go

Now write it down, inspiration

Why oh why, do I try

You make me feel like I could write

So right, emulation


Love. Lift me up out from these fools.

Won’t you tell me that I’m cool?

I’ve been linking you.

Oh no! Laying bare my soul

Post that bad boy, go

Now write it down, inspiration

Why oh why, do I try

You make me feel like I could write

So right, emulation






(Fade Out)

So, anyone want to take a shot at making a recording?


  1. somehow, i would have worked ‘mental masturbation’ into the piece (just so i could use the word ‘mental’ in my blog).

    good stuff – don’t know the song, but love your revised lyrics. i’ll ‘kazaa’ it later tonight, and see how it sounds.

  2. You know, now I want to do another parody of the same song. Only, it would be “Masturbation” instead of Emulation. Oh well, I’m sure someone else will do it before I do.


    “Do it.”




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