Where’s GeekMan? I

And do you care?

Once again work has reared its ugly head and I am going to be a traveling Geek for the next two months. I’ll be going to places both near and far and sometimes (like now) I’ll even be travelling to two different cities during the same week without going home first. Since it’s so difficult for me to post as often as I normally do while I’m traveling, I thought I’d distract you with a stupid, little game that I’m going to call, “Where’s GeekMan?”

And no, Waldo ain’t getting a dime in royalties from me.

Anywaste, here’s how it’s going to work. I’m going to give you some clues and you need to guess, not only what city I’m in, but also what hotel I’m staying at. That should help make this interesting since I never divulge that information to anyone for fear of all the adoring fans who would show up to pelt me with exclamations of their undying love & devotion, roses and slightly musty female undergarments.

Hey, if Jaleel White can get the ladies’ panties, so can the GeekMan.

We’re going to start with an easy one, but rest assured that it will get harder as the weeks go on. Anyone can play, leave your guesses in the comments. And now, on with the show…

The Clue:

Dear Daisy,
I must apologize in advance for the short length of my letter as your husband Don is irate at me for misplacing his blue shirt and so I must now go and fetch him another before the store closes. This short outburst aside, we’ve been having a wonderful time of it here, even though we are staying at a hotel infamous for its fowl play. Yesterday, as the sun set over the orange trees, we took a lovely walk through the park. It was quite beautiful, magical really, and both Don and I wished on the stars above that you were with us to share that moment.
Today I expect that we’ll meet with five of Don’s friends in the lobby of our hotel and then go for a swim. It should be a lot of fun, even if everyone in the world will see us frolicking in the water.
Monsieur Bloom


  1. Hes in orlando.. oop! I have privledged information! I know dates and cities where Geek will be until July! HAHAHAH!

    Its an -international- GEEK TOUR!

    Will you make the guest list? I didnt either.


  2. So far, some of you have managed to guess the correct city. But no one has managed to figure out the hotel. Come on people, this is the easy one!

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