Wasted Youth

Who wants to feel old?

If you’ve ever played Pong, Space Invaders or Super Mario Brothers as a kid, then you MUST read this article. However, I strongly recommend that you do not read it while drinking, as the liquid you are trying to consume will instead come shooting out of your nose and splatter across your computer screen which will most likely set off an electrical fire that will burn down your home and all your worldly possessions, making you a pathetic, homeless beggar on the street selling your teeth for drug money and Cheetos.

Mmmm… Cheetos. All I need now is a Tab


  1. Pingback: Friday Fishwrap
  2. See, some of us bring our kids up right. Mine is happy as hell with his classic video games, particular faves being Galaga and Pacman. Those others must be inbreds.

  3. I’m not sure who these kids are, but I’m ready to kick their asses at Asteroids, Frogger, Galaga, and Pitfall whenever they want.

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