The Mighty Kitchen

I’m so happy I could cry.

Our kitchen was finished last week and now that we have unpacked our plates, dishes, pots and pans we actually feel at home here. You know, like we can live in this apartment or something. Well, truthfully we feel like we can cook in the apartment, because it’s very hard to feel at home when you have no actual closets in which to put your clothing and so are forced to live out of suitcases until a closet-person can come and build you some closets.

But, hey! I can cook!

Anyway, as I promised, here are some pictures of the new kitchen which you can look at and become jealous of because we all know that my kitchen can kick your kitchen’s butt. Seriously, if you showed these pictures to your kitchen it would either faint from fear or become enamored of its huge muscular metal peninsula pole, smooth glass tile backsplash and shiny brushed metal and black marble facade.

Now, where did I put those pictures..?

I could have sworn I left them right here next to my Hello Kitty soap dish…

Dammit. They’ve got to be around here somewhere…


No, they’re not in my back pocket, let’s try the front…

Heh, that tickles…

Ahem, they’re not in my front pockets either. Oh wait, I remember now. I already uploaded them! Silly me, I’d lose my head if it weren’t glued to my shoulders. Oh well, guess I’ll just go back to searching my pockets for… stuff…

He-he-he. That tickles…


  1. oh great. now i’m going to have to go home and face my inadequate kitchen. and when i tell it “not tonight”, it’s going to know i’ve been cheating on it with your kitchen.

  2. That is one badass kitchen! Looooooove it! And someone over there in the geek abode has taste to boot… I have the same salt & pepper shakers in blue.

  3. Very nice! What do you store in the cabinet that’s 14 feet off the floor? C’mon, I won’t tell……I know it’s the Kitchenaid mixer/blender, right, huh?

  4. “OMG U HAve a hot kitchen”
    WTFS THAT. you peopel r sitting here almost crying over a kitchen, get a life….

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