The Idea

I remember now.

I’m going to try to do something new on this site and all of you are welcome to participate. Or, you can be lazy and just reap the fruits of my creative genius as I bare my soul to the uncaring world.

Because I’m all that and a bag of Juicy-Fruit.

Anywaste, here’s my great, big, fat, stupid idea. I want to stir my creative juices in a new and exciting way and, since I consider myself more of a storyteller than a true Blogger, I came up with a way to do it. There are only three steps involved and everyone’s invited to play along. The only things you need are a brain, a Blog and a camera.

Actually, the brain is optional.

  1. Take A Picture

    That’s right. You can take a picture of anything, your big toe, an old hat, yourself, a kitten, your favorite lint sculpture, or whatever. In fact, you can even scan in an old photograph and use that as your picture. Or just open PhotoShop and create a new piece of art. It doesn’t really matter as long as it’s a picture of some sort.

  2. Write A Story

    This is the part that really gets my nipples all crinkly and starts my creative juices flowing. Using the picture as a starting point, write something. What you write can be poetry or prose, fact or fiction and can be about the picture itself, the subject(s) in the picture or even how, where or why the picture was taken. This should be a story and not a caption, so try to write at least 250 words. That’s just a guideline, of course, but 250 words isn’t really all that much, and personally I expect to be writing my usual 1,000+. What? Because I’m a big, stupid loser, that’s why.

  3. Post It

    Now post that bad boy and watch as your visitor count goes through the roof*!

    *This statement is in no way, shape or form to be construed as a guarantee of any kind.

    In truth, the author is merely talking out of his anus in the hopes that someone else will actually try this experiment with him.

    The author is a recognized leader in the ‘Please Like Me. Oh god, Please Like Me.’ field and is the head Professor of the Department of Needy Friendless Beggars at the University of Geeky Losers located at Nerdsville, USA.

    Pity him and he will latch onto you like a rabid, starving leech.

I’ve decided to make this Sunday my first day for this… uh, PhotoBloggery experiment. This is a once a week type thing, so choose your day with care.

I chose Sunday night for myself because… well, what else do I have to do on a Sunday? Eat bunt cake?

And to entice you all to come back (because lord knows I can’t afford to lose any visitors whatsoever) I’ll let you in on a little secret; the first picture will be a picture of me! Hey, where’s everyone going…?

PhotoBloggery? What a lame and stupid name. I suck.


  1. If you visit my site again, you’ll see that I put pictures of my lastest jewelry creations on the right. They’re popups. Enjoy :-)

  2. My one big chance to suck bandwidth from the Man here in the land of the Melly and I’m too post-red-eye, pre-sleep burnt to write. Argh. I scanned some baby/childhood photos the other day, and, well, to write stories to go with any of them would be so much wound reopening… I’ll just have to block my mom’s IP address for a while. ;)

  3. I think Doc Searls coined the term “phessay”, as in a photo essay, describing Tony Pierce’s usual fare. I think it works.

    Well you took me cheesy Barbizon model story, so I’ll have to think of something else

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