Stay Tuned

Next week will be fun.

I’m not kidding, it really will be. That’s because JadedJu of will be here interviewing me all week. I’ve agreed to answer any and all questions she might throw at me, so you all might just find out something new and revolting about me!

Won’t that be fun?

So remember to mark your calendars and clear your schedules, because next week is Geek Week right here at The Mighty Geek! Look out Pat O’Brien, because one day soon GeekMan is coming to Access Hollywood! And you better believe I’ll be grabbing some O’Dell buttock while I’m there! Boo-Yah!

Man! This level of entertainment just can’t be Tivo’d!


  1. Mr. Hentai, you are the missing link! Maybe I’ll interview you on one of the days instead of GeekMan. The whole world has been waiting for this.

  2. Pingback: JadedJu

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