Screwing Up Google – Experiment #01

This is a little story about two siblings named Richard and Pamela.

Now, Dick and Pamela Anderson lived on a farm. The farm was called Linkin Park and it was owned by their mean aunt Anna Nichole Smith and her two even meaner daughters, Barbie and Nelly. Anna, Barbie and Nelly were very lazy and sat around all day smoking marijuana and playing Grand Theft Auto on their Playstation 2. The only thing those horrid women enjoyed more than smoking or playing games was ordering Dick and Pamela to do all the chores on the farm.

One day, as the two young teenagers were playing with their favorite pussy cat and dreaming of a better life, their mean aunt told them to clean out the horse stalls in the barn. As they walked to the barn where the horses, Dragonball and Morpheus, were busily eating hay, Pamela asked her brother who his favorite musical idol was.

“That’s easy! I really like Shakira. She makes me want to have hot monkey sex with her.”

“That’s disgusting!” Pamela said in revulsion. “Animal sex is sick and perverted. And anyway, I meant your favorite American Idol.”

“Oh. Well, that has to be Britney Spears. I loved her Las Vegas show on TV where she showed off her naked stomach and all those fake tattoos. And it helps that she’s hot, too.”

“Well, I don’t think she’s that pretty. In fact, I think I’m better looking than she is.”

“You are not! You’re so ugly that it looks like your face was hit with a baseball! Strike, you’re out!”

“Oh, come on! My face isn’t that ugly and you know it!”

“Oh yes it is. Big and ugly, like J-Lo’s naked butt, and I can prove it, too!”

With that, Dick began tickling his sister by poking her in the ribs. Of course, although she was laughing so hard she was nearly crying, Pamela certainly didn’t want to be poked in the ribs by her Big Brother 3 hundred times, so she tried to tell him to stop.

“Stop poking me, man!” She tried to say but, because she was so out of breath from laughing, it came out as, “Stop! Pokemon!”

When Dick had enough of tickling his sister, and Pamela had caught her breath, she asked him a question she had been wondering about for a long, long time.

“Dick, have you ever dreamed of running away?”

“Dream of it? Only every day. It’s like, my Final Fantasy, you know?”

“Well, why don’t we escape? You’ve been studying economics in Jr. High, right? We can take the horses and ride to the big city and become Stock Market wonder kids. We’d be rich!”

KaZaA!” Dick exclaimed in excited wonderment, “That sounds great! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that myself. Let’s go, right now!”

With that, Pamela took Dick in hand and led him to the barn where they saddled up the horses, grabbed their favorite pussy cat and rode off together to make a name for themselves in Magical New York. Their horrible aunt and her daughters never discovered where the two youngsters had disappeared to, and lived the rest of their wretched lives in abject poverty as perverted crack whores giving away free sex in exchange for food.

The End.


  1. I feel dirty just reading that story. And yet… a huge part of me wants to run to Google to do a search for “Barbie and Pokemon having hot monkey sex.”

    Perhaps I should seek help.

  2. J-Lo & Britney have hot monkey sex with perverted crack whores on Big Brother 3 and sends the stock market soaring!!!

    That’s MY Final Fantasy. ;)

    Funny stuff indeed!

  3. so did your site come up under the search ‘pamela anderson’s dick strikes grand theft auto idol, britney spears, who smokes marijuana naked with shakira?

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