On The Road Again

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ri… Click.


You have reached the website of GeekMan, The Mighty Geek at www.themightygeek.com. He’s away from his site right now and unable to keep you entertained, but if you’ll leave your name, URL and a brief comment after this post, he’ll get back to you as soon as he can.

Thank you, and have a pleasant tomorrow.



  1. Hello World.

    I’m sorry to say that my current work schedule is forcing me to take an unwanted, but necessary, hiatus from this site for the next month. No, no, don’t cry. If you had really loved me you would have sent me a picture like I asked you to last month. By the way, the grand total of pictures I’ve received so far is ZERO! Nothing. Nada. Zippo. Not one kind person sent in their picture.

    Come on people, throw me a bone here.

    Anywaste, I’ll be back on May 17th (my Blogiversary for those of you who follow such things) with some brand new stories, song parody’s and funhouse-mirror reflections of my life.

    If I’m lucky, I might even be ready to unveil my new design.

    In the meantime I’ll be working like a madman and traveling to foreign ports in foreign lands. For those out there who might actually care about where I’m headed, I’m going to be in Fort Myers, Florida for a week on business, then in Edinburgh, Scotland for a friends’ wedding (and hopefully a meeting with a Scottish Blogger) and lastly on a cruise ship called the QE2 out of NYC for a week on more business.

    I will not see my home at all during this time.

    It’s possible that I might be able to find a way to update this site while I’m away, but I wouldn’t count on it. For the last two months I’ve been having a hell of a time updating on my ‘easy’ schedule of only posting twice a week, and now I won’t even have the luxury of internet access unless I find the time to hunt down an internet café in Aberdeen.

    But that shouldn’t stop any of you from coming back to visit every now and again anyway, ok?

    Well, that’s all for now. I’ll miss each and every one of you while I’m gone. Wish me luck and I’ll ‘see’ you again when I return.



  2. Life has ceased to have any meaning. I’m going to climb the nearest cliff, and hurl myself off to my senseless death. The Geekman is – wait a second. He’s going on a long business trip, and I live in cliff-free Florida. Geekman, try to have fun, and I shall bite my toenails in anticipation until you return. Hurry!

  3. OH MY. I am probably going to DIE while waiting for your return. A month? Really? A whole MONTH? Please? Please change your mind. Please come back. I need you. Please.

  4. Christ people he’s only going to Scotland. They have computers and internet connections there. He’ll be back. You know it, I know it and he knows it. Bwahahahaha.

  5. For some reason, I’m feeling like I’m the only one here who doesn’t actually know this guy. And I feel all empty inside because of it.

  6. Have a good & safe trip, Geekman. I am sure this “business trip” to Scotland was something they really had to twist your arm for ;)

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