Obligatory “I’m Back” Post

So, I went to Hawaii for two weeks.

Why, you ask? Well, three weeks ago I had had enough of the workload I’ve been carrying since November and HoBiscuit was burning out at her job so we simply left. You heard me, we up and went away. After working nonstop for over three months straight, meaning no weekends, days off or anything else that might have allowed me to rest and recuperate, I knew that if I didn’t get away for a bit I would be going away for a long, LONG time. In a nice 10×10 foot padded cell. With a stylish white dinner jacket that tied in the back and an attendant whose only job would be to wipe the drool from my chin and help me swallow my happy pills.

Hmmm. Actually, come to think on it that doesn’t sound too bad…

Anywaste, getting away was probably the best thing we could have ever done. Kind of like our much delayed honeymoon. We feel much better than we have in a long time; we look tan and well rested and are even happy to be back home and working again. Hey, and even though I haven’t written here in a while don’t think for a moment that I don’t have stuff to say anymore.

Cause that would be just soooooo wrong.

So many fun and kooky things happened during this trip that I can’t even begin to write about all of them right now. All I can do is let you know that tomorrow I’ll start writing about what happened to us in Hawaii while today I’ll gather my thoughts and plan how to best illustrate in words some of the absolutely gut-wrenchingly funny stuff that happened to us while we were there.

We’re talking comedy gold here people.

So, in the meantime, for those of you who have stuck around waiting for me to return ever since my abrupt disappearance over two months ago all I can say is, you really, really need to get a life. Seriously. Or at least get up from the computer, warn the family that you’re coming out so they can clear the hallways and hide the pets, and take a shower.

Because dude, you are STANKY!


  1. Hey! I teach online classes. I have a right to not have a life and look at pretty pictures. I shower, too. (BTW, if you don’t know about Lostzilla, then, dude, you’re not Lost.)

    Glad you’re back. I’ll take any spare sanity you have left.

  2. Oh, I see. This is how you treat your loyal fans. While we huddled, cold and lonely on the doorstep of Mighty Geek Towers…praying that soon our Geekman would return with his trademark wit and comic genius…you lounged on the warm, sandy beach and laughed at the foolish mortals. I’ll bet you didn’t even spend one nanosecond thinking about us.

    We stink? Of course we stink! We stink with the stink of days and days of desperate longing. We stink the stink of unrequited love. Yes, we stink. But ours is the stink of true devotion.

    I would rather smell that than the foul odor of indifference coming from you, sir! Mark my words, Geekman, we wretched stinkers made you, and we can take you down!

    (Did I mention how glad I am you’re back?)

  3. All we (OK, me, or I) want to know if you were able to achieve that that thong tan-line you’ve been talking about?

    I bet it chafes, huh?

    Pale and sickly in AA

  4. I think I just shat myself.

    You’ve only been gone for two weeks? Wow…here I thought it had been months. Must’ve been the fact that my day was no longer graced by the bright and shining geekiness of the Might Geekman.

    Share some of the Hawaii sun man; share it a little.

    Welcome back and please, please post us some funny.

  5. hey glad ur bac im new 2 dis site but so far i fink it is fab, brilliant, entertainin, funny and most of all full of geekyness!!! it is the best site ever! you shud let the whole world no about it ud be famous. o n i fort of a poem 4 u
    {{{the geekman rox,
    although hes not cool,
    his funnynes neva stops,
    and his site totally rules}}}
    its really cheesy i no lol

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