It’s That Time Again

I am very tired.

I’m headed to the airport in a few hours to catch a plane down to Boca Raton, FL where I’ll be subjected to all sorts of client whims and fancies as I do my little freelancer song and dance for another paycheck. Since I don’t know if I’ll have the time to update while I’m away, I thought it would be nice for me to leave you a warning about the probable lack of content until Thursday of next week.

And, uh… I’ve done that now so…

Ahem. Soooo…

Hey, why the hell are you still reading this? What? You’re waiting for me to get to the funny? What funny? I have no funny. There’s no funny to read here. Move along now. Go on! Run along home! Go ahead. Beat it kid, ya bother me. Scram! Get lost. Shoo.

Dammit. You’re still here.

Well, if you’re that starved for entertainment, let me try scaring you away with some of my Horrible Self-Serving Haiku (Patent Pending).

Notebook conundrum
A decision must be made
I await your thoughts

I’ll be back Thursday
Don’t forget to leave a tip
Thank you and goodnight


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