How To Become An Uber-Loser

Lesson 236:

An overheard discussion between three boys, all around 18 or so, at a restaurant talking about some girl they all know:

Guy 1:
“Dudes, I’m telling you, she’s damn sexy but she don’t know nuthin’ about sex!”

Guy 2:
“Man, with a body like that she’s got to know about sex.”

Guy 3:
“Yeah man. You’ve been dating her for what, three months now? And you mean to tell us she’s not giving you nuthin’?”

Guy 1:

Guy 3:
“Oh, snap! He’s got some!”

Guy 2:
“Oh man, you best be telling us!”

Guy 1:
“Listen, we’ve fooled around, ok? That’s all.”

Guy 2:
“Don’t go soft, man. Tell us what happened.”

Guy 3:
“Don’t be a wimp. Talk!”

Guy 1:

Guy 3:
“You did her! You fricking did her!”

Guy 1:
“No, man! She just, you know, uh… used her mouth… an’ stuff…”

Guy 2 & 3:

Guy 3:
“Yo’. Was it good, man?”

Guy 1:
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you guys, she don’t know nuthin’ about sex!”

Guy 2:
“It wasn’t good? With her!?”

Guy 3:
“You’re fricking kidding!”

Guy 1:
“No! I’m telling you, it wasn’t good. She used her teeth and stuff and it just wasn’t good. Hell, I bet I could do a better job!”


Guy 1:
“Oh crap. I did not just say that.”

Guy 2 & 3 laughing:
“Oh man, yes you did!”

Guy 1 lowering his head into his hands:
“I fricking hate you fricking guys.”

Loser is as loser does.


  1. a friend of mine met a chic like that.

    his penis was scabbed for a week! she just couldn’t get it right!

    i sometimes wonder what is wrong with girls these days…

  2. Hey, there’s nothing fun about getting your wang bitten. One thing is judicious application of teeth, sure.. but scabs on ur wang aren’t something to appreciate. :\

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