Guys And Dolls

Even toys mock me.

Well ain’t this a kick in the nads? It seems that I’m going to be an action figure, except that it looks nothing like me and I’m not making a penny off of any of the sales. And what’s with the lousy super powers? ‘Opposite Sex Repulsion’ I can understand but ‘Less Than Ideal Personal Hygiene Routine’? Puh-LEASE! I shower once a week like any other decent human being, thankyouverymuch.

I even use soap twice a month, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Thanks to my friend B who emailed me the Wall Street Journal article and thus exposed my life to be the barren wasteland of lost opportunities that it is. B, I fricking hate you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a good cry.

And about 20 gallons of ice cream.


  1. What the hell is wrong with your crotch?! I mean, it looks like your legs are detached from the rest of your pelvis region and you’re wearing tighter than tighty whities.

    Maybe they’re bonded to you with grime…

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