Geek Of Ages

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.

Today marks the fourth birthday of this Web Log, which means that I have been wasting my bandwidth and your time with my inane words and stupid stories for over 1,459 days. It’s a wonder that I’m still here, but even more of a wonder that there are some people out there who actually enjoy my brand of craziness enough to come back week after week to read the drivel I post here at The Mighty Geek.


Four years ago I started this site with a whimper, barely a blip on the radar screen of the great information superhighway. This was just another worthless web site with nothing to offer the world but essays written in kindergarten-level English containing the naval-gazing, sophomoric humor of yet another online idiot with delusions of grandeur. I never wanted to change the world with this site; I didn’t want to change anyone’s mind, belief or viewpoint to mine. And because of that I never tried to be relevant, cutting edge or even controversial.

I just tried to be funny.

All I wanted to do was find a group of people out there in the world who would enjoy my stories and possibly even find them as funny as I do. Things happen all the time in my life that I wanted to share with others in the hopes that they too would find them as funny as I did. Things that have happened in my past, my present and yeah, sometimes only in my mind, make me fall down to the ground laughing while those around me scratch their heads in bewilderment wondering if they should join in or get a stick to place between my teeth.

And I was tired of choking on bark.

So, here I am, just like that stupid battery-bunny in the commercials; still going after four years of throwing my words out into the ether, and still wondering if anyone out there is listening. So today, on the day that my website celebrates its fourth year of existence, I’m going to do the unusual (for me) and ask you, my loyal and loving readership, to do something for me.

I want love.

Yeah, you heard me. I want love. I want those of you who have websites to write a little something about my site and link it to me. But I’m looking for the craziest, weirdest, wackiest words/sentences/paragraphs you’ve ever used to link to someone. I want word combinations that will make the editors of Merriam Webster’s dictionary cringe. Be creative. Be inventive. Be Geeky. Insult me in a new and creative way. Tell people why you keep coming back here even though I warn you not to. Make me laugh with how silly your words about me are. Hell, make yourself laugh and forget about anyone else. Most of all have fun with this, because lord knows I love me a good laugh.

Happy birthday to TMG. And happy damn day to you.


  1. GeekMan, you rock my world. And my snow globe. And my fish tank. All at the same time. Happy blogging anniversary.

  2. But what will we win?

    ha! If I actually had any eloquence at all, I’d do it but I’m fizzled out.

    Happy Birthday though, funny man.

  3. There wonce woz a miteegeek,
    Hoose mind woz just az freek,
    He blogged up won day,
    In order 2 say,
    Gee, I need a leak,((this can be used as a derivative for a vagetable, changed to leak, the green vegetable used in caseroles dishes or soup, mainly called Leek And Potato Soup but isn’t really that important either but just thought I would say anyway) etc..).

    The posting blog thing below keeps asking me, “Remember You?” How can I even contemplate even doing that? Who am I? Do need need to remember me?


    Oh, I am called Claire

  4. happeeee anniversary ur website is brilliant n should go down in bloggin history (if there is such thing as blogging history) and u are the mightest geek ever (by the way thats a good thing) all to say now is again happeee blogging bday lol
    p.s. i now no what has happened on tuesday!!!

  5. Happy blogiversary. :)

    I actually only come here for the Bread, but I guess you’re kinda funny, too. In a “wow, I really feel sorry for that jackhole, he’s even more of a loser than me” kinda way. I guess that’s funny, right?

    (Kidding… and seriously, congrats on 4 years!)

  6. Knowing your schedule is woeful, I don’t come here as often as I should (because I hate to be let down when there’s no posts after WEEKS and WEEKS of waiting)… so I am sad I missed your blog burpday.

    Belated happy burpday to you. :)

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