Falling Down

Early morning phone calls are never good news.

At 2:15 this morning I got a phone call informing me that Mr. Hentai was in the hospital. Apparently he fainted or collapsed last night for no reason whatsoever and his girlfriend made him check into the hospital for testing because she was worried about him, even though he wanted to shrug it off and go back to bed.

Good for her. Him? He’s a schmuck.

Anywaste, today I am going to do nothing but think good thoughts and well wishes to Mr. Hentai and I ask that each of you please do the same. I don’t know what happened, and I won’t know until later this evening, but any and all well wishes would be greatly appreciated. I’m hoping that it was nothing but fatigue, but you never know, you know?

Hey, he’s my best friend, need I say more?


  1. any friend of the geek is a friend of mine. (well, they would be, if they would have me.) Mr. Hentai, keep your head low, because there are good thoughts flying fast in your direction.

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