Bad To The Last Drop

Post Urination Drip

Don’t look so shocked. Someone out there had to have the nads to bring this shameful secret to light, and I’m just the Geek to do it. PUD has haunted mankind since the dawn of time and no one has ever mentioned it. Because we’re all ashamed to tell the world that we pee our pants.

Don’t look so high and mighty; you know it’s happened to you.

Oh yes, it has. No one likes to talk about it, we all pretend that it doesn’t happen, but it does. And the truly sad thing is; everyone knows it. It’s a fact of nature that cannot be denied and no matter what we do to try and stop it, we never will. We shake, we wipe, we squeeze, we even do little dances and pray in front of the porcelain alter in the hopes that just once, just this one frickin time, it won’t happen to us. And every time, every single time, the porcelain gods laugh as that one last drop spreads its wet warmth around our loins and we spend the next half-hour doing the “Am I showing wetness” crotch-check. And then, as a final, cruel joke, because your crotch is now cold and wet, you swear you need to pee again.

And you know you don’t.

Every day we live in dread of the moment when PUD will happen to us. If a pharmaceutical company were to spend the time and money to create a pill that would eradicate PUD from the world I think they’d make billions, as long as they didn’t give it some stupid name like PUD-B-Gone, Urin-NOT or DripAway. No one would want to be caught dead carrying a little bottle with one of those names on it. Can you imagine the water-cooler talk if someone saw you popping DripAway at the office?

“Hey Frank, you hear about GeekMan?”
“No. What’s up?”
“He’s got a… little… problem.”
“What? Drugs?”
“No. Worse. He’s got a [vague hand gesture] little problem.”
“What? Oh. OH! You mean…?” [spills a drop of water on floor]
“Wow. The poor schmuck.”
“I know.”
“We should do something.”
[awkward silence]
“Do you think Hallmark has a card for this?”

Wanted: Awards

Jumpin’ Jiminy Christmas, people!

Here I am, giving away FREE MONEY and I’ve only gotten FOUR entries in my little contest?! What the heck does a guy have to do to get his readership to grovel at his feet? Beg? OK, if that’s what it takes then I’m just the Geek to do it! Here I am on my knees begging you to lower your standards, swallow your pride and pretend to actually like me for ONE STINKING POST on your Blog so you can win my money.

There, are you happy now?

You do realize that the $25 is in American money and not worthless Canadian Drachma, or whatever those heathens use, right? I realize that the dollar isn’t as strong as it used to be, but come on people, it’s still free money! It’s not as if you might have something better to do with your time, because you don’t. You’re probably just a lonely, social outcast with a monitor-induced tan, a made-up life and no friends, so stop pretending you have better things to do than shamelessly groveling at my feet in the hopes of winning money and get with the awarding already! It’s a well documented fact that if you’re running a Blog all you care about is yourself and how many other people in the world are willing to visit a site devoted to you thus proving once and for all that you truly are the center of the known universe.

You know I’m right, stop lying to yourself.

So, in order to get more of you to enter my stupid little contest, I have decided to increase the reward from $25 to a whopping $40! That’s right, I’m giving away EVEN MORE MONEY!!! Because I know that deep down you’re all greedy, little bastards and more money is just the incentive you need to get off your lazy butts and enter this contest.

But wait, there’s more.

I’m also going to be giving away a prize to the runner-up AND a prize to someone I will designate as Miss Congeniality, even if they’re a guy. Because I’m mean that way. These prizes will be determined based on my mood on Christmas Eve, but rest assured they will be good prizes. I’m not talking about a simple link and a hearty “Thank You”. I’m talking physical objects or maybe even more cash. So if $25 wasn’t enough to get you off your anus and up mine, then I hope to heaven above that $40 and more chances to win is.

Now get cracking, because I want my damn awards already!

Gold Stars For Everyone!

Web Log Awards season is upon us again, and this year instead of simply keeping quiet I’m going to go ahead and speak my mind. In fact, I’m not even going to spell check or take the time to craft this post into my usual format of short paragraph, statement, short paragraph. I’m not even going to try to make it funny. I’m just going to speak my mind for once and let the dust settle where it will and if I upset some people so be it, because what I really want to do is make everyone think about these awards in a different light and maybe, just maybe, change them into something much better for everyone. You see, when I look around the internet I see that people who are taking these things as seriously as if they were some kind of REAL awards ceremony and I don’t understand why because they’re not.

Now, hold on there, Sparky. Don’t get all righteous on me just yet.

I know what you’re thinking right now and you’re wrong. This isn’t a bitter post of hatred towards the awards by an angry, disgruntled writer who didn’t get nominated for something even though he thinks he’s all that and a bag of dried monkey snot. The truth is that I have been nominated for these things in the past and I’ve even won a couple.

But so what?

All of the so-called awards being given out by these well-meaning Bloggers are good for an ego boost but not much else. They’re basically a popularity contest, where the Blog with the biggest, most loyal readership wins every time regardless of whether they deserve the win or not. That’s why I believe that even though I’m sure the people running the awards sites are doing everything they can to be fair and unbiased; they are unfortunately merely perpetuating a really big high-school clique-fest.

And every year it’s the same. He, or she, with the most friends; wins.

And before someone writes me an angry email saying that those who have the most popular sites DO deserve to win because they are so popular, let me state here and now that you’re wrong. Well, you’re wrong if the goal of the award is to reward excellence and not popularity. There is a very big difference between being popular and being a shining star of Blogging excellence. For an example of what I mean we need look no further than the music industry. Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson and Outkast are some of the most popular artists out there right now but how many of you would ever hold their repertoire up as an impeccable example of musical perfection to your grandchildren? You might like them and enjoy them, but I doubt you could keep a straight face if you were trying to claim they deserved accolades for their musical talent.

To reiterate, popular does not mean extraordinary. It just means popular.

Now I’m not one to simply spout off without having some sort of solution in mind, and this is no exception. I do have an idea as to what would help “legitimize”, for lack of a better term, these awards. Basically, the main problem with ALL of the Blogging Awards as they now stand is the fact that they’re voted on by the general public. However, if you remove the general public from the entire proceedings then no one will actually care enough to tune in and thus the awards themselves stagnate and die. So what I’d like to see, what I think the Blogging community needs now that it has finally grown into something more than a small collection of hobby sites into an exceedingly large and diverse group of mostly personal websites, is a better method of soliciting nominations and voting on the nominees. Something that will also help the winners feel that they are actually winning something, even if that something is just the respect of people they believe to be their peers in the Blogging community.

It wouldn’t hurt if there were a statue or certificate, though.

Now, I’m no statistician, but it seems to me that there has to be a way of incorporating general public voting with a sort of elite group of opinion leaders who would do the final voting and/or tallying to discern the eventual winners. Something like an amalgam of the Academy Awards and American Idol, whereby the public at large has a say in the outcome, but a small group of respected peers in the Blogging community also have a say, thereby keeping the awards from degenerating into a popularity contest. I’m just talking off the cuff here, but I think it might work something like this;

  1. The general public nominates whoever they think is worthy for each category,
  2. The top XX in each category are then presented to a small group of highly regarded reviewers/bloggers for review,
  3. This elite group votes for the 5 Blogs in each category they believe to be the best,
  4. (If applicable) These 5 Blogs are then contacted and must submit a single post from the past year that they believe exemplifies why they should win in their category,
  5. The general public, or better yet, an ever-expanding ‘Academy’ of past Blog Awards winners, then votes for the winners.

With this system, or one like it, the award truly becomes a mark of recognition by your blogging peers, and not simply a popularity contest decided upon by mob mentality. Not only that, but it also makes it that much harder to cheat since real people need to review the nominees and possibly even vote on the winners. No automatic web-scripts will influence the results and so I believe that those people who actually make it to the final five in each category will actually feel that they HAVE been honored, that perhaps they are being recognized not only by the general public, but by people who they themselves might look up to and admire.

Say what you will about how elitist this system might sound to you now, but if you found yourself in the final five and knew that people out there who’s writing you admired had actually liked your writing enough to nominate you, I bet you’d be thrilled.

And really, isn’t that what an award is all about?

Not Bitter At All

Someone at Amazon has been busy.

When I visited Amazon today I was greeted with a brand new feature they’re beta testing called a Plog. Not quite sure what to make of this bastardization of the word Blog, I clicked on their little link to the ‘About Plogs’ page where I discovered that “The Plog™ Service provides a personalized blog for each customer.”

Well, put me in the corner and call me baby.

Further reading revealed that “Your Plog is a diary of events that will enhance your shopping experience, helping you discover products that have just been released, track changes to your orders, and many other things.” Well, as you can imagine I was thrilled to hear this because lord knows that all the wish lists, wedding registries, recommended items, personalized stores, favorite shopping pages and Amazon Gold Boxes just aren’t enough personalization features for me to be able to find and purchase the next trivial, throwaway summer read I’ve been just dying to buy.

But that isn’t the worst part.

You see, the worst part is that in order to help their clueless customers understand what a Blog is, Amazon has supplied a helpful list of “some of the best and most popular blogs” out there on the internet today. There are fifteen Blogs on that list, and while I guess they’re not the worst choices Amazon could have made to help show their customers what a Blog is, guess who didn’t make the cut? Go on, guess. Seriously, I bet you won’t guess who was left out of their little reindeer games even though he is the greatest blogger to ever grace the internet with his funny stories and self-depreciating humor. Go on, try to figure it out. Betcha can’t guess who. You know what? I don’t think you’re smart enough. You’ll never figure it out. Who do you think it is? Huh? Huh? Come on, guess. Guess already!

Oooo! Lucky guess.

Seething Hatred

I hate Mirna.

I’m not exactly sure why I hate her as much as I do, especially since I am not the kind of person who actually believes that the way people seem on TV are the way they are in real life, but… well, I still hate her. I mean, for some odd reason everything about her annoys the hell out of me. Her voice, her face, her whining, her general attitude, everything about her just makes me want to grab a fistful of wet noodles and slap her silly. I especially want to smack her with a cod fish whenever she manages to cajole some clueless pedestrian into helping her when she would otherwise fail in the tasks set before her.

Like the whole meat-carrying fiasco.

One of the tasks set before the contestants was that they had to carry a gigantic hunk of raw beef from one butcher shop to another shop about one mile away. Now, I enjoy meat as much as the next guy, but when the hunk of meat is raw, weighs about 100lbs., and needs to be carried a long distance in the hot sun by hand then I can sympathize with whoever the poor schmo is who’s carrying it. However, I have no sympathy at all for whiners who depend on other people to do things for them instead of doing it for themselves.

Which brings me back to Mirna.

You see, instead of carrying the beef to the butcher herself, Mirna first cried to her partner Charna, who is a midget mind you, until she attempted to carry the beef which was bigger than her! When that proved too difficult for the small one, instead of picking up the beef herself, Mirna cried to strangers on the street until she managed to find a guy dumb enough to carry it FOR her! Then, and this is the real kicker, she got mad at the world because, “Nobody would help us find the butcher shop.” and they walked three blocks out of their way.

I swear, if she wins I’m going to cut out her eyes with a spork.

Fat Bastard

Real people, real conversations, real problem.

Upon meeting a female friend I’ve known since high school for the first time in four months the following conversation took place:

Female Friend:
“Hey GeekMan, it’s good to see you! How are you doing?”

“Hi FF, it’s good to see you too. I’ve been great, just working too hard and…”

[FF pokes GeekMan’s tummy]

“You did not just poke me in the stomach.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just so cute! You’ve got a bubble belly!”

“You know, I never liked you. Ever.”

While showing my new apartment to my brother, Fishman and his fiancé Papaya:

“So, as you can see, everything’s great here except for the kitchen which we really need to fix up before we actually move in.”

It’s a great place; I love the exposed beams and the hardwood floors! Have you thought about… Oh, WOW!”

“What?! Is something wrong with the apartment?”

“No, no. Nothing like that. It’s just that… well; I just noticed that you’ve got a pooch! And it’s so cute sticking out from your body like that! Like you’ve just eaten a small basketball.”

“Did you just call me FAT?!”

“Uhm… No. Not really…”

“I am NOT fat.”

“There’s no need to shout, I was just observing that you’re stomach is a little rounder that it used to be. You know, people do tend to gain weight as they age…”

“Now I’m fat AND old?! You insult me in my own home?”

“Oh dear. That’s not what I meant. Fishman, help me out here. Please?”

“Dude, you’re old and fat. Deal with it.”

“I’d kill you both, but I don’t think I’d ever get the bloodstains out of the floor.”

So, now I’m an old, fat and angry man and I hate it. Especially since HoBiscuit finds it hysterical that everyone, and I do mean everyone, has been pointing out my tummy over the last week. I, on the other hand, didn’t think it was so bad until yesterday when we attended a BBQ at a friend’s house and someone there asked me if I did sit-ups, and when I said no he replied, “Well, you’d lose that gut if you did.”

I would have hit him, but that would have meant, you know, getting up and stuff.

Designer Geek

TV is my friend.

I am completely and totally in love with the show Designer Guys. I don’t think it’s simply because I’m in the process of buying an apartment that has me so infatuated with these guys and although I’m sure that’s part of the reason it’s just not the whole story. I mean, if buying an apartment automatically meant that I would like all home decorating shows then I probably wouldn’t still find Richard Lowell so repulsive, and I definitely wouldn’t need couch-restraints to keep me from throwing things at the TV whenever I watch the so-called ‘designers’ on Surprise By Design screw up another person’s home by using materials so cheap that you just know everything’s going to fall apart in a week of real-world use.

A balsa wood coffee table? I mean, honestly… balsa wood?

I think the main reason I like these guys is that they don’t have an arbitrary budget imposed upon them by a clueless producer who wants to show the world that anyone can have a stylish, French country living room for under $1,000. Anyone who’s ever tried to decorate a room in their own home knows that making it look the way you want costs money. Sure, you can cut corners by making your own couch out of spare cardboard boxes, some fabric remnants and a roll of toilet paper, but let’s be honest here. It will never be a nice couch. And no matter how much you may paint, stain or buff that IKEA dresser, it will never, ever look like an antique English bureau.

Even if you do paint flowers on it.

In other news, I woke up this morning with the feeling that something was amiss with my body and after spending the last three hours collecting clues I think I’ve figured out what’s wrong. See, my first clue was my nose; it was trying to escape my face by slowly liquefying itself from the inside out and running down both my face and my throat. Then, my eyes and eyelids began waging an ecological war, with my eyeballs turning into a vast ocean of salt water and my eyelids turning into a desert of itchy, stabbing pain. Now my throat has entered the fray by becoming both dry and coated with mucus forcing me to clear my throat and then cough from the pain. All of this leads me to three possible conclusions.

  1. My body is so filled with disgust at finally discovering that I really am the world’s biggest Geek that it is self destructing in the hopes of bringing about extinction of all Geeks.
  2. Having made my final plans to leave on a weeklong vacation to California with HoBiscuit in two days, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Californian government have launched an all-out biological war on my body in order to keep us away and thus save the West coast from utter annihilation.
  3. It’s allergy season and this is a particularily bad day for allergy sufferers.

Have I mentioned lately that I fricking hate allergies?

Weekend Update

I feel violated.

This weekend HoBiscuit and I went down to Virginia as moral support, and living/breathing second opinions, for friends who are moving there in a few months due to a job offer. We drove all over Virginia looking at over a dozen apartments in two days trying to help them find the ‘perfect’ place to live in for a year until they decide whether they’ll stay down there or come back to NY.

I, for one, hope they come back sooner.

Anywaste, we were in the parking lot of some apartment complex when my wife, the Lovely HoBiscuit, starts screaming and pointing at me. She’s hopping from foot to foot as if she were doing the pee-pee dance and turning in circles while screaming “Ew! Ew! Ew!” over and over again. Now, I’ve grown used to the reaction HoBiscuit has when the mind altering, GeekMan-isn’t-really-Quasimodo, love-potion-like cocktail of drugs I give her wear off, but something told me this was different.

The fact that she wasn’t pointing at my face gave me my first clue.

Then I noticed the feeling of a little extra weight on my back. And the weight was moving. Now, since I have the quick reflexes of a striking viper and the mental dexterity of a flying walrus, I quickly deduced that I was being attacked by some sort of creature that could sting me to death, like a giant Geek-killing wasp or a flesh-eating woodpecker. So, taking into account my years of training as a Green Beret Bonnet, I did exactly what I had been trained to do under such circumstances.

I panicked.

I started turning in circles while trying to swat the thing on my back and screamed at HoBiscuit, “Get it off! Get it OFF! I’m allergic to stings. Help me or I’ll die! Get it off! Get it off!” All the while HoBiscuit is screaming at me, “Get it off! Get it OFF! Don’t come near me! I’m not touching it! It’s disgusting! Get it off! Get it off!

As you can imagine, you’ll never see either of us on Survivor.

Finally, after what felt like forever, I realized that it was not some super-sized stinging insect on my back, but a large, slow-witted and harmless cicada. Sighing in relief that I would not be dying this day, I calmly asked HoBiscuit to flick the little thing off me so we could go look at the apartment with our friends.

The look of horror I received was not encouraging.

After calmly explaining to HoBiscuit that cicadas are harmless bugs that would never hurt her, she calmly told me that she didn’t believe my lying ass because it looked dangerous to her and she would rather watch it eat my empty skull than risk touching it. After trying and failing to reach it myself, and after calming her down from hysterical to moderately anxious, she agreed to help me remove the bug as long as she didn’t need to actually touch it to do so. Then, trusting fool that I am, I turned my back to my wife and calmly waited for her to remove the bug. This may help you understand why I wasn’t prepared for her to start dancing from foot to foot while hitting me with her purse while screaming, “Ick, ick, ick!” Now, all you nature people out there shouldn’t worry because the cicada flew away before HoBiscuit was able to calm down enough to properly aim her Handbag Of Doom.

On the other hand, I’ve got three broken ribs.
Continue reading

St. Geekwhere

“Doctor, you have to come quickly, there’s a patient in dire need of medical attention!”

“Pardon me for a moment Mr. Davidson while I deal with this interruption.”

[Doctor turns from his patient to face Intern]

“You’re a first year intern, right?”

“I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but yes, I am.”

“Right. So intern, tell me what’s wrong with this patient you’re so worried about.”

“I don’t really know, doctor. He was wheeled in on a hand-truck by his wife.”

“Wait. He was admitted on a hand-truck?”

“Yes, doctor. By his wife.”

“That’s new. Must be a clever woman. Well, go on.”
Continue reading