Calm Down

I just got back from the doctor.

No, no. Don’t get all worried. It’s absolutely nothing to worry about, I assure you. It’s just some routine shots in preparation for some travel I’m going to have to do for work over the next few months. It seems that you can’t go to some countries without getting a plethora of vaccinations to protect you/them from diseases, infections and silly food related illnesses.

That reminds me, I need to pick up some butt cream…

So, after taking five shots in the arm without shedding a single tear, what do I get when I demand my lollipop at the end of the visit? A concerned look and a strong recommendation that I see a psychiatrist, is what. And an appointment for more shots next month.

My arm hurts.

I want a lolly, dammit!


  1. I nearly got a Dr. Pepper the last time I was getting blood drawn. Not exactly a lolly, but it was a nice gesture. Then again anything would’ve been a nice gesture to me as my body was most unhappy about the loss of blood.

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