Basket Case

I think I’m a pansy.

For the last few days I’ve been watching a DVD collection of an anime show called Fruits Basket, and I can’t stop. What’s worse, I don’t want to stop. My intellect keeps telling me that it’s just a stupid cartoon, that I can’t possibly like it as much as I do and that I shouldn’t enjoy such a silly piece of animated garbage so much that I actually plan my day around how many episodes I can watch before dinner.

But, intellect be damned, I do.

I keep telling myself that I couldn’t possibly find a cartoon so obviously geared towards tween- and teenage girls so damn good that I would actually begin to think about buying figurines of the characters to keep in my house. And yet, here I sit actively searching the net for some kind of action figure, model or other toy and actually getting upset about only being able to find stupid, girly-girl plush toys of the cute-beyond-belief animals.

And you know, after a while they actually look kinda cute.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I’m overreacting. That maybe, due to all the traveling I’ve been doing lately, my brain has disconnected from my body and so I’m more susceptible to this type of heart-string tugging, girly-girl targeting EVIL anime of the devil. And normally I’d agree with you and thank you profusely for showing me the error of my ways by allowing you to pummel me to within an inch of my pathetic, little life so as to reaffirm my manliness to the world.

But not this time.

Because this time I think I really like this show regardless of the fact that it’s a show for girls. It’s a good show. Period. And even though it might forever tarnish my standing as a stud-muffin of ultra-Geekiness in your eyes, I’m not afraid to admit that I like it. And I’m also not afraid to tell you, yes YOU, to go rent it, buy it or borrow it. Because you should watch it, too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to put on my pink pajamas with feeties and watch the whole show from the beginning again. And this time I’ll even sing the opening theme song. Out loud.

I am such a sad, sad little man.

One Comment

  1. Silly geek.. you scared the readers away!

    Noone but us cares about anime. And Im not even the passive fan I used to be.

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