Am I Funny Yet?

It’s flashback time!

That’s right, I’m starting off the new year by proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’ve got no talent left in me. Instead of being original and writing something new and funny for you, I’ve decided to do the easy thing and just link to a bunch of posts I made throughout the last year in the hopes somebody would care enough to actually click the links and read my words.

I even dare to dream that someone might find them funny.

So if you’re into self torture and want to know which posts I thought were my best last year, start clicking those links. But if you’re smart, you’ll have already concluded that I’m just an idiot and unplugged your computer, tossed it into the fire and then scattered the ashes to the four winds for having the audacity to bring you here in the first place.

Consider yourself warned.


  1. Tee hee… (laughing after reading some of the recaps).

    I’ve actually heard from a friend of mine that works for an ISP that the best way to get the phone company to fix/repair/whatever your phone lines and get you a better connection is to blab about something like, “I can’t call my grandmother.”

    Where I currently live (OH) and go to school (IN, which is where this guy is), it matters not your connection to the internet. There IS NO contractual statement indicating that the phone companies are required to provide service capable of connecting to the internet. As long as you can dial another human being and converse, that’s all they care about….

    Sorry about your troubles… though you sure do have a way of making them humorous. Very awesome site. Pe@ce.

  2. And to think I was going to include you in my three nominations for Most Humorous. Well no way baby, its Wil Fucking Wheaton, Wil Fucking Wheaton and Wil Fucking Wheaton now! That’ll teach you to reheat some old funny posts and try and pass them off as content.

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