A Quick Note

I’ve only got a couple of hours before my plane leaves for Scotland, but instead of eating or going to the bathroom I decided to upload a few pictures I took of my hotel room in Florida. I want it noted here and now that I am forgoing my own bodily functions and dietary needs in order to show faceless and nameless people I’ve never met some silly photographs of no educational or intellectual value.

Never let it be said that the Mighty Geek doesn’t live to serve his readership.

You can find these pictures of stupendous valueless-ness in the photographic section of my Media area. Or by simply clicking here. As my stomach has just used my own lower intestines to garrote me in a desperate attempt to get my attention, I will now say farewell and attempt to appease the Demon of Starvation by eating my own back teeth and knuckle hair.

Then, I shall find myself some cottony-soft tissue and a very strong toilet.


  1. Okay, faceless I’ll give you, but nameless? Hey now, I happen to be one of the faceless people you’ve never met that has a name.

    Anyway, those pictures were hilarious. Top notch work as always, GeekMan.

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