A Letter From The Management

Dear Subscribers,

Due to an unfortunate mishap (It’s in the room! Run for your lives!), The Mighty Geek’s writing staff will be unable to deliver the side-splitting, (OMG are those laser beams coming out of Johnson’s monitor?!) snot-spewing humor that you have come to expect from us. Management (The accounting department’s melting! They’re melting! They’re like the Nazis in that Indiana Jones movie the poor bastards!) regrets this interruption in service, and will (Game over man! *sob* We’re all going to die!) work around-the-clock to bring the humorous (Holy Bejeezus! Green fire?! There’s green fire coming from the graphics department?!) anecdote machine back up to full capacity. We are fully aware of the high quality levels (I can’t feel my kidneys! What did it do to my kidneys?!) expected from our stories. (Argh! My manhood! My manhood!) Readers, rest assured that we will not release any stories until our standard levels of excellence are reached again. Sorry (WTF?! Cindy! Dear lord Cindy what happened to your eyes?!) for the inconvenience.

In the meantime, (Quick like a bunny barricade yourselves in the IT department before it gets to the servers!) please accept this token of our appreciation for being a loyal customer: Hahaha

Thank you, (Sweet Mother of Pearl it found the website! Kill it before it posts!) and please call again.

TMG Management Team


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