1. For reals? I figure by the time you really get back here, The Mighty Baby will be The Mighty College Student, or better yet, The Mighty President.

    You’ve been missed. You’ve been missed.

  2. a long long time ago, you were on moveabletype. your blog inspired me to learn it, install it, and use it. I used it until one day a corrupted file on my server pretty much knocked the whole thing down. when i went to get it again, they had been overtaken by sixapart and were charging! so i did some research and gave b2evolution a try. that ran great for awhile, but eventually i took a long break from the blogging scene. a crazy scenario came up where i had to install a blog at work for supervisors to update the agents, so i got back in. I’m using b2evolution at work, but i decided i liked it, so i got back into blogging. at home, i am using wordpress now. holy cow this is a long story now, but i wanted you to know that i just pulled out my old mightygeek messenger bag that i got from cafepress, and decided to revisit your site. noticing that you are now using wordpress made me want to tell you this story.

    -an old fan

    ps. your old skin was a lot better. i am hoping that you have only recently made the switch.

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