What The Frick Happened?

Yesterday evening this site died.

I had nothing to do with the demise of TMG and to say I was surprised by my website’s death just doesn’t quite capture what I felt when I visited here and saw over 9 months of my online life was missing. Even worse was that only a few hours later, the entire site disappeared and there was nothing here but a 404 Error page.

Boy, was I ever surprised by that!

After 24 hours of frantic emails to my web host provider the problem seems to have been fixed which is good, but what isn’t good is that it even happened in the first place. And the real kicker? All of this happened two days after my stupid post about quitting!

Now don’t I feel stupid?

Anywaste, everything seems to be alright now, but because of this whole mess I think I’ll try a different host for a new site I’m thinking of creating. You know, just in case. And I also think I’ll post the little note I was going to leave here when all this drama began yesterday, just so I’ll remember exactly how I felt when I believed 9 months of my online life were erased by mistake.

I’m very angry.

Right now my website has reverted back to a version of itself from over 9 months ago and I don’t know why. Somehow, without my permission or knowledge, my web hosting provider decided to do something to my site and now I may have permanently lost almost a year’s worth of posts, pictures and updates. All that work and now it’s just gone. Poof. Just like that. Even worse, they haven’t answered my emailed inquiries in over 6 hours and, like most web-based services, they don’t have a contact phone number.

Which leaves me with nothing to do but wait.

There’s no real point to this post except to let all of you know that I haven’t voluntarily disappeared and if I don’t post for a while it won’t be because I don’t want to, but more likely it’ll be because I can’t. If these guys, who I have to say have been great to me for the last 5 years, have actually screwed me by erasing over 9 months of my internet life then I am going to be looking for, and moving to, a new provider which may take me a while. If they can somehow retrieve the lost files and get me back to where I was yesterday before this glitch then I’ll be back much sooner, although I might still want a new host when my current contract runs out. For now though, I’m so pissed off I could scream.

Screw that. I think I will scream. AAAAARRRGGHHH!!!

So, anyone know of a good web host provider they’d like to recommend?


  1. I’ve been using Dreamhost for several months now, and they seem okay. Great stories and horror stories are all over the place on regarding their services, but at least they’re relatively open and informative about what’s going on.

    A smallish company that I’m seriously considering using is SteelPixel.com. Great pricing, good features, and these dudes post their IM information.

    A couple other names I’ve seen thrown around as good hosts are Media Temple, pMachineHosting and Site5. TextDrive sounds amazing, but’d probably be overkill unless you’re a hardcore web developer.

    Good luck on the hunt!

  2. Hi mightygeek, I like your blog, it’s really funny!! i discovered it while doing an assignment on blogs…if your’re still doing stand up and like other stand up comedians you should check out Dave Hughes (if you want), he’s from Australia and he’s funny…that’s all

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