Mr. GeekMan Visits The Dentist

“Mr. GeekMan, the dentist will see you now.”

I thanked the receptionist/nurse/demon and made my way to the back room where my new dentist, Dr. D. Kay, sat waiting for me like an evil hobgoblin lurking in the shadowy depths of his cold, dark dungeon abode. He smiled, showing his perfect pearly whites in a mouth free of gum disease, and offered me a seat in what must have been one of his leftover spiked chairs from the Spanish Inquisition.

I thought I saw dried bloodstains on the armrests.

With some trepidation I took the offered seat, not noticing the leather restraining straps until they had been tightened around my wrists and ankles, and heard my new dentist speak.

“So, Mr. GeekMan, this is your first time with us.”

By the glint of mischief in his eyes I could tell it was not a question. He turned away from me and when he turned back he used a pair of nipple clips to secure a plastic coated paper towel to my chest. I let out a soft cry as the sharp metal teeth cut into my tender nipple flesh. I could only assume the napkin was there to protect the newly waxed floor from any stray splatters of blood that might escape my body during his examination. Making sure the napkin was secure by giving a firm tug on the chain, Dr. D. Kay got up and left me to acclimate myself to the pain alone in the room.

I began to sweat.

Scared now of what was to come, I promised myself I would get out of this place alive, no matter what it took. No matter how repulsive my actions might be to myself in the morning, no matter how hard I might find it to look myself in the mirror tomorrow, I would do whatever it took to survive my trip to the dentist.

My nipples throbbed painfully in silent agreement.

By the time the Master of Sadism returned to the room I had devised a plan to insure my continued good health and survival. With the application of liberal amounts of my sweat I had already managed to remove my right arm from its restraint. When the Devil of Dentistry sat down next to me and began sharpening his instruments of torture, I put my plan into effect.

I reached over and grabbed him by the balls.


“Now that I’ve got your attention Doc, let me lay down the law. If you cause me pain, I will cause you pain. Kapeesh?”

The look he gave me was one of defiant anger and promised retribution. But I could see the understanding in his eyes and I could almost smell his fear. I was in charge now, he knew it as well as I did and there was nothing he could do about it. I could tell he was doing some very quick thinking, but I thought nothing of it. I had him trapped and there wasn’t anything he could do until I let him go.

“I understand, Mr. GeekMan.”


“May I assume that you won’t wish to converse with me as I do my work?”

“What, with your hands and those sharp, pointy, metal hooks in my mouth?”

“Yes. My usual patients seem to like it.”

“Do you expect me to talk?”

“No, Mr. GeekMan. I expect you to bleed.”

And with no more warning than that quick homage to James Bond, he began his work. Every once in a while he would poke somewhere soft, my tongue or my gums, just to test my resolve. Each time, I gave him a little squeeze to show I knew what he was up to. That I was wise to his little game.

When he finished I couldn’t let go of those shriveled, sweaty, raisin-shaped sacs of spooge fast enough.

I was ashamed of my actions and I wanted to apologize, but for some reason I was also proud, so I didn’t. I had faced the evil bastard down in his own domain and it looked as if I had actually come out ahead. As I sauntered up to the front desk to pay my bill, I was a little startled to find the doctor had joined the receptionist and they were watching my approach.

They were both smiling.

My blood turned to ice and my smug smile of victory was wiped from my face. Seeing my reaction, the dentist turned towards his evil minion and spoke loudly enough for everyone in the entire reception area to hear.

“Mr. GeekMan will need to make another appointment sometime soon. The sooner the better.”

“I will?”

This didn’t sound good. I could see his smile grow colder and meaner as an evil, reddish glow emanated from his eyes. He was enjoying this, watching me squirm as I waited for the bad news, knowing I couldn’t do a thing about it now that I had let go of his privates and they were safely out of reach behind the desk.

Dammit, I knew I should have held on until I made my escape.

“Mr. GeekMan, your teeth are in almost perfect condition except for your wisdom teeth. The two top wisdom teeth need to be removed as soon as possible, they’re rotten almost to the core.”

He turned and looked me right in the eyes as his smile grew to an impossible size and his teeth became pointed and serrated like a shark’s.

“Who’s got whom by the balls now, Mr. GeekMan?”

Whom indeed, you sadistic bastard. Whom indeed.


  1. That’s soooo funny, I can’t wait to print this, and take it to my dentist!

    I always get a good giggle from the GeekMan.

  2. oh my … I’ve been to *that* guy (figuratively speaking, of course)! But, then a Super Dentist with the great numbing power of Novocain rescued me from the Evil Sadist Dentist.

  3. I thanked the receptionist/nurse/demon and made my way to the back room where my new dentist, Dr. D. Kay, sat waiting for me like an evil hobgoblin lurking in the shadowy depths of his cold, dark dungeon abode. He smiled, showing his perfect pearly whites in a mouth free of gum disease, and offered me a seat in what must have been one of his leftover spiked chairs from the Spanish Inquisition.
    I thought I saw dried bloodstains on the armrests.

    With some trepidation I took the offered seat, not noticing the leather restraining straps until they had been tightened around my wrists and ankles, and heard my new dentist speak.

    “So, Mr. GeekMan, this is your first time with us.”
    By the glint of mischief in his eyes I could tell it was not a question. He turned away from me and when he turned back he used a pair of nipple clips to secure a plastic coated paper towel to my chest. I let out a soft cry as the sharp metal teeth cut into my tender nipple flesh. I could only assume the napkin was there to protect the newly waxed floor from any stray splatters of blood that might escape my body during his examination. Making sure the napkin was secure by giving a firm tug on the chain, Dr. D. Kay got up and left me to acclimate myself to the pain alone in the room.

    I began to sweat.

    Scared now of what was to come, I promised myself I would get out of this place alive, no matter what it took. No matter how repulsive my actions might be to myself in the morning, no matter how hard I might find it to look myself in the mirror tomorrow, I would do whatever it took to survive my trip to the dentist.

    My nipples throbbed painfully in silent agreement.

    By the time the Master of Sadism returned to the room I had devised a plan to insure my continued good health and survival. With the application of liberal amounts of my sweat I had already managed to remove my right arm from its restraint. When the Devil of Dentistry sat down next to me and began sharpening his instruments of torture, I put my plan into effect.

    I reached over and grabbed him by the balls.


    “Now that I’ve got your attention Doc, let me lay down the law. If you cause me pain, I will cause you pain. Kapeesh?”

    The look he gave me was one of defiant anger and promised retribution. But I could see the understanding in his eyes and I could almost smell his fear. I was in charge now, he knew it as well as I did and there was nothing he could do about it. I could tell he was doing some very quick thinking, but I thought nothing of it. I had him trapped and there wasn’t anything he could do until I let him go.
    “I understand, Mr. GeekMan.”


    “May I assume that you won’t wish to converse with me as I do my work?”

    “What, with your hands and those sharp, pointy, metal hooks in my mouth?”

    “Yes. My usual patients seem to like it.”

    “Do you expect me to talk?”

    “No, Mr. GeekMan. I expect you to bleed.”

    And with no more warning than that quick homage to James Bond, he began his work. Every once in a while he would poke somewhere soft, my tongue or my gums, just to test my resolve. Each time, I gave him a little squeeze to show I knew what he was up to. That I was wise to his little game.

    When he finished I couldn’t let go of those shriveled, sweaty, raisin-shaped sacs of spooge fast enough.

    I was ashamed of my actions and I wanted to apologize, but for some reason I was also proud, so I didn’t. I had faced the evil bastard down in his own domain and it looked as if I had actually come out ahead. As I sauntered up to the front desk to pay my bill, I was a little startled to find the doctor had joined the receptionist and they were watching my approach.

    They were both smiling.

    My blood turned to ice and my smug smile of victory was wiped from my face. Seeing my reaction, the dentist turned towards his evil minion and spoke loudly enough for everyone in the entire reception area to hear.

    “Mr. GeekMan will need to make another appointment sometime soon. The sooner the better.”

    “I will?”

    This didn’t sound good. I could see his smile grow colder and meaner as an evil, reddish glow emanated from his eyes. He was enjoying this, watching me squirm as I waited for the bad news, knowing I couldn’t do a thing about it now that I had let go of his privates and they were safely out of reach behind the desk.

    Dammit, I knew I should have held on until I made my escape.

    “Mr. GeekMan, your teeth are in almost perfect condition except for your wisdom teeth. The two top wisdom teeth need to be removed as soon as possible, they’re rotten almost to the core.”
    He turned and looked me right in the eyes as his smile grew to an impossible size and his teeth became pointed and serrated like a shark’s.
    “Who’s got whom by the balls now, Mr. GeekMan?”
    Whom indeed, you sadistic bastard. Whom indeed

  4. Hmm..sounds exactly like my days as Dr. Thompson’s dental bitch. And I loved every minute of it!!

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